Payment on Delivery
If the customer wishes to pay on delivery, products are being delivered by a Courier Service and payment takes place on delivery.
Credit Card
If the customer owns a credit card, a Visa or a Master Card, he/she may use their card safely thru the Order Form. All payments completed by a Credit Card are completed thru the
“Alpha e-Commerce” of Alpha Bank and Secure Sockets Layer – SSL (TLS 12. – 128 BIT).
Encoding procedure is a codification information procedure which decodifies the procedure thru an appropriate key.
Deposit in Bank Account
A Customer may deposit the amount for any order in a Bank Account of SWAT GROUP. Please be advised about the exact amount of purchase plus the delivery expenses and use the Web Banking Services of “Alpha” Bank : IBAN GR120401830183002002004570.
Please inform the Accounting Department about the deposit of the amount of purchase by sending an email to . Or you may contact us at 2122133072.