SWAT SDISS undertakes consulting services, related to the issues of maximum security with the aim of the effective completion of the mission.
The preparation of any Security Plan of any kind is largely based on its Vulnerability Study, which has a dominant role in the field of prevention and deterrence of threats to its security.
In recent years, there have been increasing demands for security threats, such as the threat of dangerous vehicles, the placement of bombs, dangerous content in the mail, the threat of information and personal data management, the threat of a terrorist attack, or threat of abduction. Dealing with such threats requires a Threats & Risk Assessment Study, which is now specified by all international risk-taking companies.
SWAT SDISS study includes:
- Description of the facilities and existing protection measures
- Vulnerability study with risk and threat analysis (vulnerability study)
- Risk assessment,
- Proposals for remedial measures to eliminate unacceptable risks.
If omissions or deficiencies are identified after the threats have been identified and assessed, corrective action proposals will be made that could potentially include on-site operations, construction improvements, staff training or security procedures.